Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lessons from 3 idiots!!

I was watching 3 idiots again, and this movie has such a subtle way of giving you priceless life advice. Although I may not be the only one who has come to this conclusion, but I am just sharing what I learned from this wonderful movie.

  1. Pursue excellence Success will Follow: Always strive for excellence and remember perfection is a moving target, the day u think you have achieved perfection is the day progress stops. So remember Success is just a by-product of excellence.
  2. Life is Beautiful: Life is a gift and it needs to be cherished and lived to the fullest, don;t die before actually dying.
  3. Be passionate: Remember be passionate about what ever you do in life, You must have passion, that will that drive to excel and a will of fire to keep your passion alive.
  4. Be the eternal student: Life is an endless journey of learning, never ever for a moment think that you know it all, for life has always something to teach you, and learn from wherever you get the opportunity.
  5.  No pressure: Remember life can be stressful don't let the pressure get to you. 
  6. EQ (Emotional Quotient) is as important as IQ: many at times people do not give importance to emotional intelligence as to how does one deal with emotional states, proper management of emotions is as vital as Intelligence.
  7.  Necessity is the mother of all Inventions: Do i need say more
  8. Simplicity in life:  Keep life simple, do not over think situations or make a mountain of a mole hole.
  9. Be Dynamic: In today's fast changing world gone are the days of being single faceted individuals you have to be dynamic, and confident to excel.
  10. Love is boundless: Trust your partner, and remember love is not bound by time and space, and love is unconditional.
  11. How you say it? MATTERS: Often people forget the power of speech, how you something? matters, so think well before you speak and practice the art of good speaking ;for if communication is dead everything is dead.
  12. Unleash the Talent within: Within each of us is the capacity to be pioneers but only few of us manage to have the passion and drive to bring out that talent and genius within and excel. So be driven and bring out the genius within.

Hope this posts makes a positive impact in your life.

till next time


 " Perfection is a moving target"

© 2010 posted by Mustafa Ali Khan Afreedi (DarkMystic)


  1. brilliant extract,have to give it to you afreedi-you have a good insight,to see a worthy lesson in something as mundane as watching a movie !
    kinda reminds me of a quote:

    Life is more strict than a teacher
    A teacher teaches a lesson
    and takes an exam.
    But life takes an exam
    and then teaches a lesson =p

  2. Nice job Afridi, I second you as I also liked the movie.
