Monday, May 24, 2010

Are we A nation of FOOLS!!!

Yes we are a nations of fools, Now my friends you will be wondering why am I calling myself and about 180 million people fools, i'll try and answer the question through this post, and let's see what do you all think.....

99% of the people in the world are fools and the rest of are in great danger of contagion (Thornton Niven Wilder)

We are a nation of fools because:
  1. We think breaking the traffic rules is cool.
  2. We think cheating in papers is justified and we can do it and many people do
  3. We think that having an attitude and using bad language makes us cool( in normal circumstances).
  4. We follow any trend or anything which is done by the rich and powerful without giving a damn thought on whether it is right or wrong.
  5. Only a nation of fools will put emphasis on rota system rather than the conceptual system in exams.
  6. Only a nation of fools will follow the quota system instead of the merit- based system.
  7. Only a nation of fools will vote for  politicians again and again who have given us countless empty promises in the past and continue to do so.
  8. Only fools will fight over the naming of provinces, rather than focus on real issues like the increasing inflation, electricity problems, gross violation of human rights (women's rights specially)
  9. Only in a nation of fools will, old buildings be brought down to make new houses or malls instead of just refurbishing them, as they are an integral part of our city’s history and heritage.
  10. Only in a nation of fools, people have no civic sense and they will continue to create trouble for other people.
  11. In the developed countries or lets say where people have brains spend quite a bit of their GDP, about 15% or higher on R&D, and what about Pakistan, R&D does not mean research and development its more like rona dhona
  12. We as a nation look towards others like World Bank and IMF to solve our problems rather solve them by ourselves.
  13. Yes! we are the nation of fools who think that the education of women is not necessary for social, economical and political development of nation. Even many times, we quote that the first educational institute of a child is mother. Moreover, in our foolish patriarchal society, child means only boys.
  14. Yes we are a nation of fools, in fact are we even a nation, none of us is a Pakistani first, we are Lahoris, sindhis, balochies, punjabies, pathans, sunni,Shia, we are everything , anything except a Pakistani.
  15. What else is this if not foolishness to destroy one's home over something that has happened a 1000 miles away.
  16. Why kill our own people, destroy our own assets, is this not the work of a fool or not.
Need I go on my friends, the list is endless, we cannot dream of change unless we change the very essence of who we are, we need to change the way we think, to better understand ourselves and the world.

I end this post with an Arabic Proverb

A fool may be known by six things: 
  • anger, without cause; 
  • speech, without profit; 
  • change, without progress; 
  • inquiry, without object;
  •  putting trust in a stranger, and 
  • mistaking foes for friends. 
So ask yourself today are we really a nation of fools, or can we change, can we show the world that we are wise and sensible humans striving for the betterment of humanity, and our country and the world at Large.

© 2010 posted by Mustafa Ali Khan Afreedi (DarkMystic)


  1. sounds familiar.. happen here too ..

  2. Agreed, but Afridi can you suggest any solution after diagnosis?

  3. The first step of solving any problem is to identify the problem, Its interesting many people do all the these things and yet don;t think they are doing wrong.

    The possible solutions I will explore and share in the upcoming weeks InshaAllah
